
If you know Old Hank, you know he’s always looking for A: a tasty new music venue and 2: a tasty beer and a bowl. (Why I decided to start this post by referring to myself in the 3rd person is a mystery.)

Now we’re blessed in Charlottesville to have way more great live music venues than we deserve – Durty Nellies, The Southern Café and Music Hall, The Jefferson Theater, Ting Pavillion and JPJ represent a robust 5 card hand of venues from little to kinda-but-not-too- big. That’s just to name a few.

But kids there’s a fab new little sneaky spot in town and Old Hank flippin’ loves it.

Superfly Brewing Co.

I love it because beer. I love it because it’s so close to the Get Down Lounge I can basically fall home. I love it because the décor is mid-century hippity-dippity. I love it because the groovy crowd. Mostly I love it because LIVE MUSIC!

The place reminds me of finding that little bar on the corner with the little stage and big sound in Chicago or NYC. Places you call your “Local”.

The first night Old Hank (again with the 3rd person) went to a show at Superfly, it was with Bazz and Jon. The headliner was Gold Connections.

Now, Gold Connections you’ve probably heard of, they have a hot single out called “Fool’s Gold” that’s getting rotation on WNRN. Come on that’s a pretty damn big band to shoehorn into a little venue but we digs that! Superfly says “We love live music and have great connections with all the best bands and DJs in town.”

Showcasing this band was a great example of how they walk the walk.

The evening started with a younger band, Brian Tafazoli, plugging in, turning up and letting it rip. They were super fun.

But the coupla beers and a bowl of the evening went to the middle band, Work Wear. They’re a tight, experienced outfit outta Cville. In their own words, Work Wear offers “style without reverence: shoegaze with eye contact, country without the cowboy hat.”

Superfly just seemed made for these boys and they worked the space and the crowd like Old Hank works a fat bowl. Fun fact: the dude who fronts Work Wear, Ben Wilkes, also program manages at the Cville chapter of the United Way—so this is a band whose karma is dern near as good as their music.

OK it’s getting late. So off to bed, grandma, and don’t let me catch you up ripping bongs and watching Fox News in the middle of the night. It’s way past your bedtime. Put your teeth in the cup.

Nighty night,

Old Hank


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