KSC climaxes at the Southern.

Well, we were over-stoked for Kendall Street Company’s big swingin’ finale of their February residence at the Southern Café and Music Hall in Charlottesville and kiddos I’m here to tell you, it did not disappoint.

Bazz and I jammed before the show in the Get Down Lounge at my place, running Russ’s new P Bass and my new ’68 Fender Vibro Champ through some preliminary paces. After a coupla beers and a bowl, we headed downtown to Millers’ for burgers and a Guinness.

The opening act Sisters and Brothers were a tasty appy before the main course. The Grateful Dead vibes poured outta Andy Tichenor’s “Jerry” guitar, but gol’damn does Davina Jackson’s gorgeous R&B vocals elevate that jam!!!

We loved ‘em, so…a coupla beers and a bowl.

KSC gave each of the four nights at the Southern a theme—the last night’s vibe was dubbed “The Final Frontier with Space, Tech and Psychedelia”.

Clearly Ctown loves this band, the place was packed and rowdy. And the boys served up plates of musical “meats carved from succulent juices”. (hint: a Ween reference.)

From the get-go, you could tell KSC front man Smith was having a blast cuz he simply could not wipe the shit eatin’ grin off his talented face. Brian’s bass and stage presence are worth the price of the ticket any night, and Jake’s keys and sax always add color but he sent most of the crowd into an acid or E or mushroom or wine cooler flashback when he started playing the damn theremin like some weird Thomas Dolby scientist!!! Ryan’s drums are the fat ass that supports the whole KSC airframe. He good.

But let’s talk about Ben Laderberg on lead guitar. All’s I’m gonna say is that if his name was Freddy, I’d call him Shreddy. The kid is kind of an unassuming member of the band for a lead guitarist. There’s none of the “oh look at my balls, are they not large?” behavior a lot of lead guys exude. But holy shit can this kid shred.

So, let’s just say the band was on point tonight and we were having another coupla beers and a bowl.

And then they blew the top of our heads off.

Son, nothing prepared us for the absolute terminal velocity  achieved when Louis announced that they were gonna spring a new cover on us, and launched into Ween’s deep cut “Your Party”.  Get a taste in the vid up top.

Guess what? Beers and a bowl.

So, a tip of the chapeau to Kendall Street Company for being so damn tight, so f’ing creative, so stupidly prolific and so much goofier and fun than any band has a right to be. And thanks to the Southern Café and Music Hall for continuing to bring us the best of Charlottesville local music as well as great on-the-cusp-bands before they get big and unwieldy.

We’re so flippin’ lucky in Charlottesville to A: have so many great local bands to go see and 2: to have excellent venues to go see them.

Now go to bed because it’s past your bedtime. And yes you can have a gummy.

Nighty night,

Old Hank


Mothers of Invention (and something fun coming to Superfly).

