Best Charlottesville Live Shows 2024.

Old Hank:          @russbazz, Cville music fans have asked us to talk about our favorite live shows from 2024 (well maybe one did). You up for a little back and forth?

@russbazz:      Always. Give me 2 secs, I gotta go to the fridge and get a beer.

Old Hank:          I’ll tap a bowl while I’m waiting.

Old Hank:          Ok, Russ is back, top 3. Obviously the challenge for an older gentleman like myself is actually remembering which show I went to last night, let alone last year.

@russbaz: I’m also blanking on what shows I went to last year. 

Old Hank: Did you say blanking or blacking out cuz I seem to remember…anyhow, I don’t know anybody who goes to more shows than you. 

@russbazz: So many fucking good bands. Memory isn’t the issue. You know what is the issue…my live music expenditure!  

Old Hank: That’s not about to change.  You wanna get another beer and then try to get back on topic?

@russbaz: Yes I do.

Old Hank: Ok focus. Your top 3. And let’s keep it to Charlottesville. I know you saw a show in Abu Dhabi last year.

@russbazz:    I did. Cold Play.

Old Hank: Get the fuck out! 

@russbazz:    Top 3. One: Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit at Ting. He rocked our faces off. Nobody weaves intricate guitar work around heartfelt lyrics like this guy. He’s generational.

Old Hank: Fuck! I had to miss that show because of the doctors. Still pissed. But not about my number 1: Lucius and Dawes, playing together at the Jefferson Theater last March! All they songs, all better because Dawes had the world’s greatest backup singers and Lucius had the world’s greatest backing band.

@russbazz:    Number two: Silversun Pickups at the Jefferson. It was a dreamy shoegaze-y, grunge-inspired riffs-y, and intricate soundscapes-y night. Only downside was it was the Sunday we just got back from seeing Manchester Orchestra in NYC.  

Old Hank: Now you’re just showin’ off. 

@russbazz: Sorry.

Old Hank: My number B? That little outfit Palmyra outta the Shenandoah Valley blowing up like a whippit at The Southern last April. I went with @jonathanchasen. We got shushed by their very gen Z audience. Them boys give really good stage and their writing is as clever as an honor student sticker on a hot mom’s Expedition.

@russbazz: They got a new album coming out. Playing at the Jeff in a month or two.

Old Hank: We’re going. 

@russbazz: Finally, number 3 for me is Shane Smith and the Saints at The Jefferson. Just, Holy shit. Best new band in my orbit.  

Old Hank: Yeah, a non-alc bevy to JB for turning us on to them. That Red Rocks show of theirs got solid play on my youtube machine weeks before the show. I was going to say Shane Smith too, but let’s cover more ground. So I’m gonna say Number C for me was Stephen Wilson Jr. at the Jefferson.

@russbazz: Fuck that was good.

Old Hank: Right? The storytelling…the guitarin’

@russbazz: His lyrics come from someplace deep.

Old Hank: Yeah all the stuff about his dad…

@russbazz: Coming of age in 1994…I could so relate to that.

Old Hank: That’s the year I went on the social security. JK.

@russbazz: This was really fun but my attention span is done.

Old Hank: Yeah super fun, we should do a podcast. Think I might go watch Camomile & Whiskey band practice at Durty Nellies this evening. Don’t wait up kids, make yourself a peanut butter fold-over and put yourselves to bed.

Nighty Night,

Old Hank




Stephen Wilson Jr. is His Father’s Son.